About Video
Emeralda Region's Island of Domains-of-Expertise
in video production and distribution
Starting in 1970, my first videos were documentaries - interviews with statewide printmakers
Keith Achepohl, Stephen Hazel, Thomas Johnston, and Margaret Sahlstrand in a printmaking
seminar using video and telecom for distance learning.
Within five years, students
were making video
recording demonstrations for the campus tape library. In the montage above,
Dennis Evans and Mark Smith are using a Sony portapak recording my printing demo.
Click on tickets to see one-minute videos introducing Video Island
The above is a strip of tickets or one-day passes to visit Video Island - preparatory to a gamified MOOC to teach printmaking online.
Conceived in 1970 by Professor Bill H. Ritchie as part of the Perfect Studios principle, Video
is a Division of Emeralda Works, LLC, focussing on video production skills
in art and education for
individual artists, crafts people, and designers. Video assists in
establishing, maintaining, and advancing their Human Structural Intellectual Capital (HSIC) and
Intellectual Properties (IP). It was a good investment as Bill reflects on this in the video, below.
Click here to see the 2020 video with 1970 video clips.